HRP-4C Female Robot Dances, Sings, Frightens - HOT!

HRP-4C Female Robot Dances, Sings, Frightens - HOT!
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Gepubliceerd op 27 apr. 2012


ASIMO Robot Next-Generation Unveiled! Check the updated Youtube video here:

You certainly know that Japaneses loves Robots and 'Idols" girls bands. Well, the HRP-4C robot is merging those two passion into one ! The performance, called "Dance Robot LIVE! -- HRP-4C Cybernetic Human", was presented at the Digital Content Expo in Tokyo and present the HRP-4C, a female robot, singing and dancing with a girls band. Is this the future of entertainment ?

HRP-4C Female Robot Dances, Sings, Frightens

"HRP-4C Humanoid Robot" "HRP-4C Humanoid" "Humanoid Robot" humanoid robots "humanoid robots" robotics "japan robot" "japanese robots" "human robot" HRP-4C "HRP-4C robot" Actroid "Actroid japan" "robot woman" "female robot" "female robots"

Top Comments

FISHY EVERYTHING | 6 maanden geleden
She's a bit creepy

mauricio ruiz | 3 maanden geleden
lol al diablos las putas haora biene mejor en robot

TheCuloBastone Official Channel | 1 maand geleden
it's a stupid japanaise girl! japanaise girls are awfoul!

Stefen James | 2 maanden geleden
It's like watching a ps1 character LMAO

The1stDukeDroklar | 1 maand geleden
The lips don't have nearly enough points of articulation to be life like.

XII VII (Vandalcore) | 1 maand geleden
Needs fatter titties

MyDogIsYoshi | 10 maanden geleden
She didn't sing or dance or get "frightened." .... 

Samuel Kung | 10 maanden geleden
why japan why? instead of gundams you develop this? 

Walking Dead fan | 2 weken geleden
can you fuck it

Jock Doubleday | 3 maanden geleden
"Even Robots Cry"